horseradish$35968$ - ορισμός. Τι είναι το horseradish$35968$
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Τι (ποιος) είναι horseradish$35968$ - ορισμός

Drumstick (fruit); Drumstick Tree; Drumstick (vegetable); Horseradish tree; Ben oil tree; Marungay; Muringa; Muringakka; Moringa oleifera lamk; Drumstick tree; Horseradish Tree; Dahon ng malunggay; Malunggay; Marongay; Clarifier tree; Drumsticktree; Drumstick-tree; Kalamungai; Moringa pterygosperma; Shevagi; Horseradishtree; Moringa oil
  • Foliage of ''Moringa oleifera''
  • Flowers prepared for cooking
  • Moringa flowers
  • Drumstick vegetable pods at a market
  • Pods of ''Moringa oleifera'' in [[Panchkhal]], [[Nepal]]
  • Moringa pollen

  • Allyl isothiocyanate is the pungent ingredient in fresh horseradish sauce.
  • A bottle of prepared horseradish
  • Foliage of the horseradish plant
  • Horseradish, from ''The Book of Health'', 1898, by Henry Munson Lyman
  • Sections of roots of the horseradish plant
  • 302x302px
  • Beetroot horseradish
Horse-radish; Armoracia rusticana; Armoracia lapathifolia; Horse radish; Horsey Sauce; Red Cole; Horseradish sauce; Hrean; Armoracia armoracia; Armoracia rustica; Armoracia sativa; Cardamine armoracia; Cochlearia armoracia; Cochlearia lancifolia; Cochlearia lapathifolia; Cochlearia rusticana; Cochlearia variifolia; Crucifera armoracia; Nasturtium armoracia; Raphanis magna; Raphanus rusticanus; Rorippa armoracia; Rorippa rusticana
¦ noun a plant of the cabbage family with long dock-like leaves, grown for its pungent root which is often made into a sauce. [Armoracia rusticana.]
  • Allyl isothiocyanate is the pungent ingredient in fresh horseradish sauce.
  • A bottle of prepared horseradish
  • Foliage of the horseradish plant
  • Horseradish, from ''The Book of Health'', 1898, by Henry Munson Lyman
  • Sections of roots of the horseradish plant
  • 302x302px
  • Beetroot horseradish
Horse-radish; Armoracia rusticana; Armoracia lapathifolia; Horse radish; Horsey Sauce; Red Cole; Horseradish sauce; Hrean; Armoracia armoracia; Armoracia rustica; Armoracia sativa; Cardamine armoracia; Cochlearia armoracia; Cochlearia lancifolia; Cochlearia lapathifolia; Cochlearia rusticana; Cochlearia variifolia; Crucifera armoracia; Nasturtium armoracia; Raphanis magna; Raphanus rusticanus; Rorippa armoracia; Rorippa rusticana
Horseradish is a small white vegetable that is the root of a crop. It has a very strong sharp taste and is often made into a sauce.
Horseradish or horseradish sauce is a sauce made from horseradish. It is often eaten with roast beef.
  • Allyl isothiocyanate is the pungent ingredient in fresh horseradish sauce.
  • A bottle of prepared horseradish
  • Foliage of the horseradish plant
  • Horseradish, from ''The Book of Health'', 1898, by Henry Munson Lyman
  • Sections of roots of the horseradish plant
  • 302x302px
  • Beetroot horseradish
Horse-radish; Armoracia rusticana; Armoracia lapathifolia; Horse radish; Horsey Sauce; Red Cole; Horseradish sauce; Hrean; Armoracia armoracia; Armoracia rustica; Armoracia sativa; Cardamine armoracia; Cochlearia armoracia; Cochlearia lancifolia; Cochlearia lapathifolia; Cochlearia rusticana; Cochlearia variifolia; Crucifera armoracia; Nasturtium armoracia; Raphanis magna; Raphanus rusticanus; Rorippa armoracia; Rorippa rusticana
·noun A plant of the genus Nasturtium (N. Armoracia), allied to scurvy grass, having a root of a pungent taste, much used, when grated, as a condiment and in medicine.


Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to the Indian subcontinent. Common names include moringa, drumstick tree (from the long, slender, triangular seed-pods), horseradish tree (from the taste of the roots, which resembles horseradish), and ben oil tree or benzolive tree.

It is widely cultivated for its young seed pods and leaves, used as vegetables and for traditional herbal medicine. It is also used for water purification. Although listed as an invasive species in several countries, M. oleifera has "not been observed invading intact habitats or displacing native flora", so "should be regarded at present as a widely cultivated species with low invasive potential."